El trabajo de Victor se inspira en la naturaleza, aspectos como el agua y su movimiento, las superficies vivas y con un poco de vision se observan procesos de crecimiento o el -ennui- de un momento breve donde el tiempo se detiene.

Los colores son francos y muy notorios mientras comunican diversos estados de animo, asi como tambien dan una calidad plastica al trabajo. Mayormente el autor trabaja con muy pocas herramientas para mantenerse cerca del trabajo como si el lienzo o la pasta ceramica fueran una segunda piel para desarrollarse.

Victor has worked to concieve a second nature in a world outside his body and toughts, aspects of reality like water and the movement of it, life-like surfaces that emerge upon dream visions, processes are observed in a growth developing, capturing at the end of the execution a brief moment where time -stops- and provokes to the witnessing eye -some certain ennui-.

Colors, by the way are bold and notorious, which communicate many moods, and relate primarily to plasticity or visual quality in the stages of his labour. Most of the times the author works with less tools as possible, in order to keep rigorously close to technique and feel the materials, as if the clear canvas or clay as a medium was some second skin to develop in time.